Monday 28 January 2013

Final Contents Page

This is my final contents page. As you can see, I have structured it more clearly and included more original images. I've also made everything in line with each other, so that it looks conventional and more professional. I have the issue number, date and website address at the top and have each subheading in line with each other. I have included a competition at the bottom (which was advertised on the cover) and used the same colours as I did in the front cover, to create a house style.

Friday 25 January 2013

Contents Page Draft 3

This is my third contents page draft. As you can see, I have improved on the previous one by adding more pictures and making it look more structured by including a box layout. The subheadings: "On the cover", "Features" and "Review" are set out neatly and the page numbers are separated so that they run on the left vertically. I've included the website of the magazine at the top, along with the issue number and date of the publication, which is conventional. I have made the artists' names in bold, as that way they stand out more and grab your attention.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Teacher Feedback: Contents Page

This is my teacher feedback. Since then, I have been working on another contents page, which I have made drastic improvements on. However, I will take on board these comments and make my layout more conventional by including a box template.
I need to put a caption on my main picture of Sabrina, so that the reader knows what it's about and include photo credits, as that is conventional. I also need to include more pictures and make the main story around page 20, as it isn't conventional for the double page spread article to be so far back in the magazine. I also need to move the text off the image and place it at the bottom.
Overall, I need to make my contents page a box layout so that it looks neater and more organised. I need a minimum of three images and could do with including more pages with page numbers.

Contents Page Draft 2

This is my second draft. I haven't filled up all of the spaces on the page yet, but this shows you the type of idea I'm going for, such as the colour scheme and how the design is similar to the front cover, so that you know it's part of the same magazine. I'm going to include the competition from the front cover with a picture so that the readers are interested in finding out more. I will have my main image to the right and make the subheadings: "On the cover" and "Features" in the same font and colour as the cover, so that it creates a house style.

Friday 11 January 2013

Contents Page Draft 1

This is my first contents page draft. It's very basic at the moment, but there's some idea of what colours I'm going to use and the type of layout that I'm thinking about. I am going to stick to the house style of my front cover, as I have used the same colours so you can tell it's part of the same magazine. I have made my page numbers bold as to stand out and catch your eye, so that the pages are easier to find for the reader. In my final draft, I am going to make it a lot more detailed and include more images and page numbers; this is just some idea of how I'm going to approach my contents page.