Saturday 27 October 2012

Market Research: Existing Magazines

Front Cover Examples

All of these magazine front covers have a similar genre to what my magazine will be. The first one is called 'Classic Pop' and has a picture of the Pet Shop Boys on the front - they were big in the 1980s and that's the type of music my magazine will include. The middle one includes Axl Rose from the band Guns N' Roses, which are a classic rock band. However, the third magazine includes Madonna, a classic pop artist that has been around for a while, and shows that she is still around in the music industry and it might include her recent music.  All three magazines have a conventional masthead, classic artists from the past and cover lines to persuade people to buy the magazine. The image takes up most of the front cover and the cover lines surround it. There are also selling lines on the front covers; the first one says 'new magazine' which would persuade people to buy it and the second has 'free CD' at the top of the magazine (free gifts would make people buy it).

Contents Page Examples

All three contents pages have page numbers but don't include the word 'page' as this is the conventional way in which contents pages are created. They all have big images or a few small images as this draws the reader in as they might like that particular band or artist. Pull quotes have also been used as anchorage to draw the reader in and want to read that particular article; e.g. the artist might have said something outrageous that would make the reader want to read more. The middle magazine also has a subscription advertisement. There's also a good use of sub-headings to create structure for the contents page. They also include things that were on the cover to make it easier for the reader to find inside the magazine. There are also captions, publication details and photo and stylist credit under or next to the main image on the contents page.

Double Page Spread Examples

Each double page spread is unique and creates interest for the readers who like these artists. The middle one has a large pull quote at the top, which would be the first thing the reader would read - this would make them want to read on in the article as it's quite outrageous. Each one has one large image on the left hand side of the double page spread; this creates an eye catching effect. At the start of each of the articles, the first letter is enlarged and in the main colour of the colour scheme that runs throughout, this is known as a drop-cap; this is known as 'house-style' and makes the article look structured and not messy. There are also captions on the image and picture information. On the third double page spread, there is extra information on the artist on the right; this gives variety within the article and usually tells you more about the artist/band.

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