Sunday 28 October 2012

LIIAR Analysis: Contents Page

The contents page is another example from the magazine "Classic Rock". It includes a large image on the left of the Rolling Stones, in black and white, which again represents their genre of rock. It also includes a pull quote (known as anchorage) so that it makes you want to read on, especially if they've said something outrageous. They are also looking moody on their photos, as that's considered 'cool' for a rock band to do. It connotes that they are a rock band because of the dark image. It also has the conventional heading 'contents' and sub-headings to represent the different categories of pages, e.g. 'features'. Also, the page numbers are all in the colour red and are all the same size; this is done to show consistency and so the magazine sticks to the conventional “house style”. They have also stuck to conventional methods by not using the word 'page' or 'pg.' before the page numbers. They have also included a caption to the photo in the bottom right hand corner and publication details, to tell you who took the photo. They have also included the issue number and cover date at the top underneath 'contents' to show when the magazine was published. They have also stuck to the same colours as the front cover as it creates a "house style" and makes the magazine look neat and consistent. The masthead “Rolling Stones” is also in the centre near to the top so it attracts the reader’s eye and so they’re immediately drawn to the image below.

The Rolling Stones are represented by a large image to the left of the text. Once again, it’s an image in black and white, which connotes the genre of rock as it’s usually seen as dark and loud music. People in rock bands aim to look a certain way; as if they have a “don’t care” attitude and that’s represented by the image as some of the members aren’t looking at the camera and look as though they weren’t ready for the photo.

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