Wednesday 14 November 2012

Box Plan Drafts

Here is a basic box plan of my front cover. I have included many conventional features, such as a masthead, a selling line at the top and cover lines to the left and right of the image. I've also included a pull quote, which will come from the double page spread article and a plug to the bottom left hand corner, which will be a competition. I've also included a bar code in the bottom right hand corner, which will include the date of the issue, the number of the issue and the price, as well as the website of the magazine. The image will conventionally take up most of the front cover and I will place cover lines and text over the image.

Here is a basic box plan of my contents page. I have included the conventional 'contents' title, along with the name of the magazine beside it and also the issue number. I will place an image of the main artist from my cover to the left, underneath the masthead, along with a pull quote from the article so it persuades the reader to turn to that page. I will include the conventional publication details below the image also. My page numbers will be on the right of the contents page, beside the list of pages listing what is in the magazine. Below that, I will place another image of a concert/festival, which would advertise the competition plug from the front cover. In the bottom left hand corner, I will place an album review, along with an image, of an artist that has been around for decades if they have released a new album. The overall layout will be in a box format, so that it looks visually compelling and structured.

Here is a basic box plan of my double page spread. I will conventionally place the image of my main artist on the left, so that it takes up the full left hand side. I will have the name of the artist at the top, followed by a pull quote underneath, so that it makes the reader want to read on. I will include the publication details at the bottom and on the right page, I will begin with an opening introductory paragraph. I will have the article run in columns alongside each other, as that is conventionally how articles are displayed in magazines. I will include small pull quotes between some of the paragraphs and have the text 'wrap' around them; this gives the reader a quick overview of what the artist is saying within the article.

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