Thursday 22 November 2012

Planning: Developing Ideas

As you can see from the process of my hand drawn drafts, to my box plans and then digital mock-ups, my ideas in the creative process of making a magazine keep changing. I'm constantly rearranging the layout of how I want my magazine to look and I will continue to do so until I get it how I want it to look.

The main colours I think I'm going to use are red, white and black as they are simple colours which will compliment each other when arranged a certain way. The idea that I have in mind for my magazine is going to be different to those on the market as my audience will be diverse and also the things that my magazine will include i.e the genre and era of music my magazine will be looking at. I want my magazine to be very different to those on the market and will hopefully fulfill the needs of people with similar music taste to me; pop and rock artists from the past 50 years.

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